Powerpet Natural Dog Treats Dog of the Week: Akita


Large, powerful and alert, the Akita is a working breed that originated in Japan. Dignified and courageous, the Akita today is popular in the show ring and also participates in performance and therapy work. The breed’s thick double coat can be any color including white, brindle or pinto. An Akita trademark is the plush tail that curls over his back.

A Look Back
One of seven breeds designated as a national monument in its native Japan, the Akita has been used as a versatile hunting dog there for many years. There is even a spiritual significance attached to the breed when a child is born in Japan, the family will receive an Akita statue signifying health, happiness, and long life. The Akita first arrived in the United States when Helen Keller brought one over in 1937.

Although known to be a quiet dog (they are known as the “Silent Hunter” in Japan), the Akita has strong guarding instincts and will sound the alarm if an intruder breaks into their house. Akita temperament can range from calm to bouncy and aggressive, so the breed should always be supervised around small children and other animals. Akitas like to be “pack leader,” so obedience training is also necessary for a harmonious household. The breed will groom itself like a cat, but daily brushing is still necessary, as is daily exercise.

Powerpet Natural Dog Treats Dog of the Week: Pit Bull Terrier


The Pit Bull immediately strikes one as being a dog of power, passion and undying willingness. The brick-like head, which is especially broad between the cheeks (to house the powerful jaws), is carried upon a thickly muscled, well-defined neck. The neck runs into a deep, thick, well-sprung chest. The American Pit Bull is a very muscular, stocky, yet agile dog that is extremely strong for his size. The ears are generally cropped, though this is optional. Docked tails are not accepted by the UKC or the ADBA. The eyes are round. Both the ADBA and the UKC do not accept blue eyes or the coat color merle. The American Pitbull Registry does accept a merle coat. The teeth should form a scissors bite. Its coat is made up of thick, short, shiny hair. All colors are admissible. The tail tapers to a point.


El Powerpet, Botanas de Perro Naturales, Perro de la Semana: Labrador Retriever


El Labrador Retriever es posiblemente la raza de perro más popular que existe en el presente. En los Estados Unidos, durante los últimos catorce años, ha tenido el registro anual de cachorros más alto de todas las razas reconocidas (de acuerdo a las estadísticas del AKC). Al menos en los últimos tres años los registros del Labrador han sido casi tres veces más que los del segundo lugar, el cual le correspondió al Golden Retriever. En Inglaterra y Australia también goza de gran popularidad.

Perro de constitución fuerte, región renal corta y muy activo; tiene un cráneo amplio, pecho y costillas amplias y profundas; la región renal y los miembros posteriores son anchos y fuertes.

Perro que tiene buen temperamento y es muy ágil. Posee un excelente olfato y cobra con delicadez; es muy aficionado al agua. Es un animal adaptable y devoto compañero. Inteligente, vivaz y dócil, con fuerte voluntad para complacer. De carácter afable, sin ninguna señal de agresividad o timidez impropias.

Powerpet Natural Dog Treats Dog of the Week: Labrador Retriever


The gentle, intelligent and family-friendly Labrador Retriever from Canada continues to be the most popular breed in the United States, according to AKC® registration statistics. This versatile hunting breed comes in three colors – yellow, black and chocolate – and because of his aptitude to please his master they excel as guide dogs for the blind, as part of search-and-rescue teams or in narcotics detection with law enforcement.

A Look Back
Labrador Retrievers, originally from Newfoundland, were initially used in work alongside fisherman, helping to pull in nets and catch fish that escaped from fishing lines. After being crossed with Setters, Spaniels and other Retrievers, the Labrador Retriever honed its skills as a true retriever. From this point in the breed’s history, “Labs,” as they are affectionately called, were bred primarily to perform as an efficient retriever of game, with a stable temperament suitable for a variety of activities beyond hunting.

An ideal sporting and family dog, the Labrador Retriever thrives as part of an active family or as a trusted hunting companion. A double-coated breed which sheds seasonally, regular grooming keeps his coat at its water-resistant best. Because of his even temperament and trainability millions of Americans own a Labrador Retriever as a pet.


Reward Your Dog! / Premia Tu Perro!

Reward your dog with Powerpet Treats, they will love them & it is also good for their teeth!

Premia a tu perro con botanas de Powerpet, les encantaran y tambien es bueno para sus dientes!

El Powerpet, Botanas de Perro Naturales, Perro de la Semana: Affenpinscher

El Affenpinscher

El Affenpinscher (del alemánAffe ”mono”) es una raza de perro de la familia de los Pinschers de constitución pequeña y robusta, criada desde el siglo XVII. Llegan a medir hasta 26 cm de altura y pesar de 3 a 3,5 kg; muy parecidos a los terriers con orejas cortas y erguidas, ojos redondeados negros y cola delgada algo escasa.

Su pelaje es erizado, comúnmente negro y corto, lo que le da una apariencia simiesca, de allí el nombre de la raza.

Es una raza bastante antigua y está representada en cuadros anteriores al siglo XVI. Aparece en los cuadros de Durero y Van Eyck. Nació en Alemania y su nombre le viene por su parecido a un mono. Hace 150 años se creía que este perro era un cruce entre un mono y un Pinscher. Sus orígenes reales son todavía desconocidos. Se cree que proviene del pequeño Terrier alemán (hoy desaparecido), del Pinscher o del Schnauzer miniatura.

Powerpet Natural Dog Treats Dog of the Week: Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher (translated from German as Monkey-Terrier) is a peppy dog that has the face and impish nature of a monkey. This wire-haired terrier-like breed acts like a bigger dog as he proudly struts around. The coat of an Affenpinscher is usually black, but they also come in gray, silver, red, belge or black and tan.

Affenpinschers have a fun-loving, sometimes mischievous, personality. Their intelligence, appearance and attitude make them a good house pet, but children should always be taught how to properly handle the dog. Their small size makes them ideal for an apartment. They are very active indoors and most of their exercise needs can be met with indoor play, but they enjoy daily walks. Their wiry coat should be brushed and combed twice a week and trimmed twice a year.

A Look Back
One of the most ancient of toy dogs, the Affenpinscher originated in Central Europe (Munich, Germany and France), where they earned the nickname “little devil with a moustache.” During the 17th century, small terriers were frequently kept around stables, on farms or in stores where they served as ratters. Bred down in size, these small terriers became companions in the home and kept mice from overrunning their mistresses’ boudoirs.


El Powerpet, Botanas de Perro Naturales, Perro de la Semana: Foxhound Inglés

Foxhound Inglés

Historia: Esta raza es originaria de Inglaterra, resultado de una planificada mezcla de perros cazadores durante más de dos siglos, tanto así, que desde antes de 1800 la British Masters Of Foxhounds Association tiene anotados cuidadosamente los registros genealógicos de esta raza.

Pelaje: Corto y duro, pegado al cuerpo y resistente al agua.

Color: Gran variedad de colores. Todos los colores permitidos. Aunque suelen ser blancos con grandes manchas marrones, castañas y negras, de dos o tres colores.

Características: Orejas bajas y caídas, estilo sabueso. Patas rectas. Cabeza y cola larga.

Carácter: El Foxhound Inglés es amigable y no agresivo, muy elegante, limpio y atlético. Es un perro muy afectuoso con la gente, con los niños  y otros perros.

Cuidado: El Foxhound Inglés es un perro muy enérgico que puede volverse inquieto y destructivo sino se le ofrece un ejercicio regular. Para mantener su pelaje sano y brillante se necesita peinarlo regularmente con un cepillo de cerdas firme y  bañarlo sólo cuando sea necesario.Son perros muy sanos que generalmente no presentan enfermedades hereditarias sino los percances que puedan presentarse debido a su actividad aventurera.

Powerpet Natural Dog Treats Dog of the Week: English Foxhound

English Foxhound

A versatile dog, he can be trained to hunt almost any ground game. In appearance, the English Foxhound is any good “hound color,” which includes black, tan, and white, or any combination of these three. Although similar in appearance to his American Foxhound cousin, the English version is shorter and much stouter in appearance.

The English Foxhound’s roots in Great Britain date back before 1800. There have been more than 250 packs of hounds in Great Britain and careful breeding records have been kept throughout the years by the masters of those packs. In America, the earliest entries in the English Foxhound Stud Book date back to 1890, but the blood of some American packs dates well before that time. The first AKC registered English Foxhound was named “Auditor.”

El Powerpet, Botanas de Perro Naturales, Perro de la Semana: Griffon de Bruselas

Griffon de Bruselas

El Grifón de Bruselas, el Grifón Belga y el Petit Brabançon tienen un origen común. Estos tres perritos proceden de los pequeños perros rateros que rondaban por los establos europeos. Se encargaban de deshacerse de las ratas, guardar la casa y ser unos buenos perros de compañía poco costosos. En Bélgica estaban muy valorados y durante el siglo XIX los belgas se encargaron de mejorar estos grifones de establo a partir de cruces con razas extranjeras (Carlino y King Charles Spaniel). A pesar de que los tres se consideran como tres variedades distintas de la misma raza, el Brabançon parece casi una raza distinta.

El Grifón de Bruselas es un perro pequeño, de cuerpo corto y rechoncho y de cabeza grande y redonda. Sus orejas son pequeñas, de inserción alta altas y le caen hacia delante. Tiene unas cejas muy pobladas, un mostacho debajo de la trufa, barba y mechones en las mejillas. La cola, también de inserción alta, se acostumbra a cortar hasta un tercio. Su pelo es áspero, tosco y de un color rubio rojizo.